Our Features - Alpha V.1 (Phase 2)

SOLNOTE is a user-friendly protocol that allows users to communicate from wallet to our utility platform. Secure and Store your Notes away from Centralized servers, you have sole custody!

  • Currently in Phase 2

  • Web3 Wallet Productivity (In the future Collaborate Wallet to Wallet)

  • User Account

  • Privately Secure Your Notes and Ideas

  • Utilizes IPFS to Encrypt and Store Information

  • Create Notes with Block Style Format

  • Notes Sidebar (Future rollouts) (Wallet to Wallet Collaboration & Chat)

  • Unmatched Privacy & Security

  • New Features to be Rolled out V.2, will have an Improved UI / UX, adding images and files, search function, wallet to wallet collaboration and more (Ref premium features for detailed list)

  • Beta V.1 after our Alpha Rollout will include; Mobile, Tablet, Desktop (Improved)

Last updated