👋Welcome to SOLNOTE - $NOTE

Encrypt your notes on Solana utilizing IPFS.

The SOLNOTE Dapp is built on the Solana's network enabling users to fully encrypt notes with a web3 wallet and IPFS. After integrating IPFS technology and standards, SOLNOTE will offer unparalleled security, privacy, and flexibility in the blockchain notes realm. (Some $NOTE fees may be required on setup, transactions or subscriptions).

CA - https://solscan.io/token/CgbcLNUZP7jWmFeXtaKmABRFXDhxejkeUH94JLu3Lcvk

Website - https://www.solnote.io/

Twitter (X) - https://twitter.com/SolNoteOfficial

Telegram - https://t.me/Solnote_Official

GitHub - https://github.com/Solnote-NOTE

Discord - Coming Soon...

Last updated